Tool 01: 16 critical ways to motivate your employees

16 critical ways to motivate your employees

Talent Management Pilar: Motivate, Retain

Type of Tool: Checklist

Target Group: Managers, Executives, HR Staff

Languages: English


This guide affords employers, managers and executives a list of 16 techniques and steps they can adopt and use in the workings of their company to motivate their employees. It features a list of tips, methods or approaches they can look into, be aware of and further explore of using to galvanize their staff further. Each proposed method is being presented in a short and concise way and they do not have to apply all of them but instead they can pick and choose the ones they feel that can be most suitable and useful for them.


This tool helps managers and executives become aware of some effective methods and techniques they can use-apply to increase the drive of their employees. They do not have to adopt all of them but instead have them in mind and use the ones they believe that best fit their purposes.


The Checklist has an advisory and informative use and readers can choose any or all of the proposed techniques. All the methods of the guide can be adapted accordingly to fit the needs and mode of operation of their business.

Price: The checkistis free.