Talent 4.0 Investigation Research Report

Talent 4.0 Research Report

The goal of the investigation research report was to investigate the needs and requirements of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the partner countries Austria, Germany, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Sweden and Cyprus, in the field of talent management. By analysis of the results from the individual national reports, desk research and key findings it was aimed to answer how talent management can function as a bridge between business and VET system realities. The results of this investigation research report further inform the development of the other intellectual outputs of the Talent 4.0 Project – the toolbox and the training programme.

The survey about Talent Management was conducted online via the web tool “limesurvey”. It was performed in seven different countries of which all are members of the European Union. A total number of 331 SMEs took part in the survey. 

You can download the final report in English as well as the Executive Summaries in all partner languages below.

All resources published here have been made available for free use under a creative commons license deed allowing free, non commercial use with reference to the authors and funding programme. (CC BY-NC 4.0) Click here to access the license deed.