These series of Webinars guide and support SMEs to develop their overall talent attraction strategy by elevating their ‘Employer Brand’, their capacity to position themselves as ideal employers for new talents – prospective employees. In that regard, they present managers and recruiters with several non-traditional methods to attract and retain existing talents to their team. They are educating them in optimizing the use of technology such as CV search and job postings and integrated networking and social media features for their hiring process. Moreover they are advised on how to deploy smartphone applications and on-the-go hiring tools and many other innovative ways to reach a wider pool of talents, and to improve their overall attraction and retention process.
A series of webinars to increase users’ awareness of new trends in Employer Branding, educating them on how to attract talent by leveraging their company's appeal as an ideal workplace.
Webinars offer an interactive and easily accessible tool for individuals interested in exploring new key themes on Talent Attraction as well as to interact with each other and the coordinator (auditor) of the seminar.